Tuesday, 2 July 2019

Exciting Times!

Hello Everyone!

Its been a very long time since I have blogged - so long I have almost forgotten how to do it!

Much has changed since I last blogged not least of all a change of job! But more of that another time.

I was lucky enough to be chosen to take part on the Chocolate Baroque Craftalong on Hochanda a couple of months ago - much excitement on going to Oundle to Hochanda HQ - meeting Lesley and David and then a fellow crafter called Christine Patch - who was also one of the lucky ones - Christine runs a blog and did a wonderful blog of our day out at Hochanda;

Christine Patch

It was a fabulous day - a mix of sheer enjoyment, nerves, laughter and fun!  My friend Sue came with me for moral support - she too had a marvellous time mixing with others in the Green Room - namely the lovely ladies from Pink Ink Designs!

Since then day to day life has plodded on as it does - monthly craft workshops, more work etc - but all of a sudden there was a post on FB - a call out for applications to become a DT member for Chocolate Baroque!  My friends gently nudged me and so I applied and waited.

Then - on a day when I was about to go to a hospital appointment, an email from Lesley to call David ASAP - so I duly did and was oh so happy to hear I was being offered a position and if I was happy to do some samples for an upcoming show, would receive stamps the very next day!  This truly brightened my day - made the hospital appointment a little more bearable!

So without much further ado - here are my samples - I hope you enjoy them and help provide a little inspiration!!!







  1. Well done Kim, it was a great show and I am excited to be on the team too. Your cards were fabulous.

  2. Amazing news Kim, you will be an extra busy lady! Hope you don't forget us all when you're famous... ;)
    Amazing makes as usual, hope you enjoy the new creative job, looking forward to seeing more wonderful crafty things!
    Karin xx
